Hit Refresh: How to Be Ready for a New Reality

By 21. april 2020november 5th, 2022Ledelse, Planlægning, Trivsel

Finally – possible light at the end of the tunnel. And as that hopeful glimmer grows, what exactly do you see? Not in the mood for metaphors? Let’s explain.

Our Covid quarantine has caused us all to change the way we work, shop and socialise. And as we adapt to these everyday changes, it’s equally important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Post-Covid-19, the world is going to look different. Are you prepared?

Now, we’re not trying to alarm you. All we’re saying is this: now’s the perfect time to take stock. For many of us, Covid-19 has afforded a momentary lull in the madness of modern life. Even if you don’t have extra time on your hands, you’ll certainly have acquired a fresh perspective. And what this offers you is a great opportunity to position yourself to meet the coming challenges head on.

Sound like a good idea? Then let’s go over what’s required to get you ready:

1. Reassess your aspirations

Now’s the time to get real. Think about your goals – and the values that underpin them. Have they changed? It may be that this sudden shake-up has caused a shift in perspective. And a great way to kickstart your contemplation is to employ the goal-setting methodology developed by global tech giant Salesforce (and adopted by increasing numbers of companies world-wide): the V2MOM. It’s a way of defining your Vision, your Values, the Methods you’ll use to achieve them, potential Obstacles and the Measures of your success. Every Salesforce employee is required not only to write their own V2MOM, but more importantly, to revisit it at least every quarter. Undertaking this sort of exercise is useful at any time. Right now? We’d argue it’s pretty much essential.

2. Rethink your strategy

Yes, we need to stay the course – but in business terms, you may need to change direction at the same time. Don’t be afraid to change the nature of the conversations you have with your clients. They may well be facing their own challenges – so instead of pushing for a sale, ask how you can best support them as they adjust to their own new reality. As US entrepreneur Mark Cuban notes: “Now is the time to connect more than sell…If you’re the company that communicated and was nice to customers during this time, they are going to come back to you when the time is right.”

3. Build your resilience

Resilience is a word we’re hearing a lot recently – and with good reason. Building resilience, both within your business and within yourself, is what will carry you through this crisis – and beyond. And it’s not as hard as it sounds. From a business perspective, points one and two above cover the essentials: revisiting your vision, your strategy and your relationships with clients. Think too about setting up suitable support networks (ever thought about seeking out a mentor? Now’s the time to do it.) And to build resilience within yourself? The usual advice applies: learn from your mistakes. Work on your adaptability. Identify and address gaps in your knowledge or skill-set. And play to your strengths. Sure, none of this is new – but doesn’t it help to be reminded?


Food for thought? That’s great – because there’s never been a better – or more important – time to address all of these issues. Yes, this situation has been hugely disruptive. But remember: all this upheaval also engenders opportunity. Make sure you’re ready to take it.